Genesis 1:31 - The Wonderful Works of God

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Consider the wonderful works of God! Everything He makes is good (1 Timothy 4:4); for He reviews His work to make sure it's good.  At the end of the day, we should hold ourselves accountable by reflecting and reviewing on the things we have done.  Take a look at this world, so vast and well furnished as this, His wisdom shines forth far beyond our understanding (Psalm 104:24).


Katherine Alice said...

Umm I dont mean to be rude, but who are you?

Tyrone Ferrara said...

I am who I am. And this is about God... nothing else.

Tyrone Ferrara said...

A born again Christian for almost 30 year.

Anonymous said...

Great blog you have here. Thanks for the visit to Free Spirit and the follow. :)

Be blessed today!

Keith said...

What faithfulness to continue writing as you have. Keep up the good work and may G-d continue to bless your service for him.

Keith said...


What faithfulness you have to continue to write as you have. Keep up the good work and may G-d bless your service for him.

Theo-Ann said...

Thanks for being my newest follower on my blog. Hope you can get ideas for home and ministry.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend

Thank you very much for join me. But, as Katherine said, who are you? God? Just only the Saint Spirit?

Normally I use to speak and to write in Portuguese because my English is very poor – but I can manage myself a little bit. So, please, if you want, do (when you want to do it) some comments in A Minha Travessa do Ferreira. I wait for you and also for your Friends. Bye

Abs = abrações = embraces
hantferreira@gmail.com. Yours?

Sônia Massini said...

Deus abençoe você.
parabens pelo blog.

God blesses you.
congratulations for the blog.

God is faithful!!!
A hug

JAI PANDORA BABY MATAJI-plena paz! said...


Beth in NC said...

Hey, thanks for the follow. Blessings to you!

Michelle said...

I didnt see a place to email you. Just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower.

I look forward to getting to know you better. Please comment on anything, agreed on or not.

Prof. Israel Lima said...

Congratulations, Tyrone Ferrara.
You are now fallowing "Pelo Corredor da Escola".

Alessandro said...


Estou aproveitando este espaço para divulgar meu blog "Salvos Pelo Amor!"

Não deixem de conferir!



andrea said...

buona pasqua

Paul Cobb said...

"His wisdom shines forth far beyond our understanding" (Psalm 104:24).

I have a passion for studying and teaching God's word.
As a believer, I am so glad for the gift of the Holy Spirit to help me learn and understand more
of His wisdom.

Angel said...

God bless you! The Lord is real.

Anonymous said...

Very insightful and informative, and you're on Genesis, my favorite Book of the Bible, the one that contains all the other Books in seed-form, as it were.

Donald Swarbrick said...

Grateful for your following but why do you like my blog? I was brought up in a brethren home but have my own ideas and thoughts because of the life I have lived. Just what do you think of my theories?

Hilary said...

Happy Easter!! :)

Ramón Antonio Pérez said...

Saludos desde Venezuela.
Coloqué el traductor y me di cuenta que son citas bíblicas, eso es maravilloso. Gracias también por seguir mi blog, retribuyo siguiendoles.
Dios les bendiga..

Michele said...

Buona Pasqua
da Michele http://pianetatempolibero.blogspot.com/

Dave said...

Thanks for visiting theAgora.blogspot.com

Genesis is a powerful book that encapsulates creation, fall and the beginnings of God's redemption plan. Keep blogging for His glory

Mikes Sumondong said...

This verse just takes away everything all our insecurities. thanks for sharing.

Your Daily Word

Anonymous said...

to your attention, intersting Bible illustration blog from Finland, Picture Mission

Simone Anjos said...

Olá, passei por aqui e gostei do que li. Obrigada por seguir o nosso blog.
Beijos na Alma,

valterpoeta.com said...

Thanks for the visit.
congratulations for your blog,
God Bless You!

Unknown said...

Thanks for read my blog, greetings from Argentina.

Prayer and Word for Everyone said...

Hi Brother Tyrone
I am touched by the very first writings of scripture! Wonderful blog & please continue to keep sending God's message to others as many of us will. Thanks for following my website for the glory of God!

In Christ's Love
and Service
Lady Bee ♥

Kenia Soares said...


Unknown said...

A Paz do Senhor Jesus Cristo,

Em primeiro lugar agradeço a Deus por sua vida e por estar acompanhando meu simples blog o qual já escrevo há alguns anos.
Não sei falar inglês, tentarei usar um tradutor eletrônico.
Espero poder também me alimentar deseus textos.
Um abraço em Cristo,
Irmão André Silva
Carpina - Pernambuco - BR
God blesses you.
congratulations for the blog.

halestone said...

why are you so religious? i mean your blog is postings from the bible. don't take it personally.

dellgirl said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for following. I hope you'll come again and feel free to leave a comment.

Unknown said...

God bless you!
We are - God. We - believe in God. We - who know God. We - the gods. Ever.

Jaquelyne Costa said...

love Jesus, It I am our life! Thanks to It we are livings creature! I liked it very its blog! To read the words of God is always very necessary! Until more!
It forgives for the English, I am learning now!

Enєιdα Lovely said...

Olá! Bom dia! Obridada pela visita!!
Volte sempre!!
Boa sexta feira!!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Ana María Fabio / Araunapeka said...

Gracias por visitar mi blog y ser parte de el. He venido a conocerle y me he quedado feliz de encontrarle por su buen blog. Un abrazo grande en Cristo desde Santiago de Chile. God Bless You.

nelton said...

Obrigado pela visita! Um abraço. Jesus é o Senhor e Rei!

Unknown said...

Excellent blog.

calamanda said...

Hi, thanks for your visit. I am glad that you like the Art. Your blog is very interesting.

Muchas gracias.

Recibe un cordial abrazo-


Joemill said...

Thank you Sir. :)

Robin said...

Interesting Blog, simple, and only God's word.

What I find intriguing is how the there are comments from all over the world on your blog. We can come together as community from every corner of the world.

What came to mind as I read all the comments was: For my house will be called a house of prayer for ALL nations. Isaiah 56:7

Father God thank you for how Your Spirit moves among us drawing us together. Jesus you are with us. Amen.

nitewrit said...


As a Christian for nearly 34 years, I welcome your visit to my site and I have added you to those I follow. You have added my Blog "Night Writing in Twenty-oh-Eight" as a follower. may I suggest you add www.nitewrit.www (Night Writing in the morning Light), which is where I am publishing my posts this year.

Christ is risen.

Larry E.

nitewrit said...


I hope I put the right address for "Night Writing in the Morning Light". If I have www.nitewrit.com it is correct. If I put ".net" at the end , it is not. That was my old address that someone stole out from under me earlier this year.

Larry E.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a peaceful and blessed weekend.

Winston Smith said...

Fantastic Blog about the bible! If you want to know more about the rise and fall of the antichrist after the G20 in London and the obama's rule in the new world order visit http://www.elfactormagia.blogspot.com/

If you like to do a link exchange with your blogs:


Enjoy the Blog!

Winston Smith

Cynthia said...

Your blog intrigues me...so does the name.It is not common for such an emphasis on Genesis but it is full of seedling truths!

Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog...I will keep revisiting here to get to know you better. in the meantime,
May you write what God ordains!

madz said...

God's works are really magnificent!

Jennifer Taylor said...

As a Christian author, I admit that sometimes it gets tiring to reread and re-edit manuscripts over and over, but if God re-checks His work, then I must do so even more. Thank you for the reminder.

Jey said...

Dear God (:

Gianna said...

Dio è grandioso...

La Espada De Dios said...

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

1Ti 4:16 Take heed unto yourself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this you shall both save yourself, and them that hear you.

Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

Pro 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Mikes Sumondong said...

I wrote about this verse and related it to Earth Hour.

Your Daily Word

Richard said...

Hm, You just met here a Viking style believer :).

Lora said...

Amen! His Word is Truth!

Thank you kindly for stopping By The Lamp Light and for following!

Yudie said...

Hi...glad and surprised to know you are as my follower. It's nice blog with God words inside. Bless you bro..

Millionaire@age20 said...

Thank you so much for this post!

Christi... said...

Perfeito lembra que a terra se deu pela vontade da criação de Deus.



Lilie said...

very good blog you have here. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Fav.
Cya !

Anonymous said...

I loved your space in the network!!!!!!!! Your appointments biblical reflect..

a hug

Ruel said...

Thanks for bringing me here..A blog that talks about the goodness of God like yours is worthy to be followed and visited..

Have a nice day.

Sônia Massini said...


(my English is poor forgives me ok)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm very happy for you participation in my blog. I don't speak english very well, but I study english in basic level. God Bless!

3L said...

I needed that scripture today. To be honest sometimes it is hard to see the good in every situation or person, especially myself. Then the Word shows me the life I at least I know that I am blessed, even if I don't feel that way.

P.S.- Thank you for the font help. I think I have it figured out now.

Anonymous said...

Good Word :) Thanks for this.


obrigado pela visita ,vc agora faz parte dos meus seguidores e ajuda nesta insensante obra ,pegue o seu selinho abaixo segue o link,bjs graça e paz
*♥ *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* A Seara dos Pequeninos *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`*♥ *

Kelly L said...

Thank you for giving verses for us to think about.


roxana said...

Thank you for to enter in my blog. Good by! and kiss

Bia Unruh said...

O Universo tem todas as respostas, por que fala através de Deus; mas o homem é surdo...

Obrigada por sua visita e seja sempre bem vinda.


Almir Escatambulo said...

Oi como vai tudo bem? obrigado por seguir o meu blog fico muito feliz que ele tenha despertado seu interesse. bom quanto ao seu texto fiquei muito emocionado pois lendo os textos que você indicou, eu agadeço a Deus por ter nos dado este mundo maravilhoso que como voc~e bem colocou é uma obra de arte... mais lamento profundamente que a grande maioria de nós não está sabendo preserva-lo....

Fique com Deus

Ms. NeicY b. said...

the Psalm 104:24 really helped me clear my mind...i saw that scripture just in time

Mikes Sumondong said...

SO right! I've posted about this as well! God Bless you brother!

Wanderley Elian Lima said...

OLá, passei para visitar o blog e lhe desejar uma ótima semana.
Um abraço

Mikes Sumondong said...

Thanks for the friendship! Check your award here: http://your-dailyword.blogspot.com/2009/04/proverbs-272-new-international-version.html

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

O nosso querido e bom DEUS sempre esteve, está e sempre estará acima de tudo e de todas as coisas.



Veronica Lee said...

Thanks for following my blog. I'm now your follower.

Meh said...

Hey, thanks for being my follower. It's good to know that there are still people in here who proclaim God's words. Keep it up! :)

Susan and Michael said...

Just wanted to say thanks for following.


That Janie Girl said...

Thanks for following me! I'll be back...and that scripture spoke to me today.


Mary Paquet said...

Why did you join my blog?

E_M_Y said...

Thank you very much for following

Valdemir Reis said...

Thank you! Chistian back to thank you for your visit. I am pleased and honored by your friendship, very gratified. Congratulations on the excellent work that you developed, full of intelligence, beauty, and originality. Its fantastic publication "Genesis 1:31...", good and a great text, a nice contribution. I confess that I like to move here. I am your follower. Thanks again for your presence. James Greene used to say, "All the good that I can do, all the tenderness that I can show to any human being, that I will do now, than postpone or forget, is it going the same way twice." Confess which is very comforting to have good friends even if it is virtual, it does not matter. Come again. We wish all the best for you. Come again! We will meet always here. Felicidades. Have a week full of very bright, success, peace, health , blessings, protection and happiness. God is present in each moment. A fraternal hug.
Valdemir Reis

Pia said...

thanks for the visit. God bless you.

Lynn said...

Thanks for visiting by my blog and becoming a follower. I, too, have a passion for The Word.

PS: I am also following yours.

Rafael Sperling said...

hi, thanks for joining my blog!
So, can you read portuguese?

David López-Cepero said...


David López-Cepero said...

Amen brother, Amen...

Ah. Thanks for following my blog.

much2ponder said...

Blessings to you and thank you for following my blog

Rodolfo said...

Thanks for the follow.
Grace and Peace!

Anonymous said...

Good work! I re-thought about God intending for us to be vegetarians. I think He gave us animals to eat by giving us dominion over the Earth & animals. Here's the Scripture....but I'm sure you know it.

Genesis 9:2-4 (New International Version)
2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

4 "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.

I asked my friend about this, and he quoted the Scripture you used about man eating plants....and he added AS MEAT at the end. Might be different in different translations. I wouldnt take it so literal though. Seeing how straight forward the Scripture I posted above is. It could mean at some point He wanted us to be veggetarians, but it looks like He meant that we can just eat veggies "like we eat meat". Who knows.

And theres no reason to tell you all the Scripture from Romans and Acts where Paul tells everyone that meat is ok (probably comparing meat being ok to eat, to the Jews accepting Gentiles Salvation being ok). And the clear Scripture (from an angel) to "GET UP, KILL & EAT." And the fact Jesus ate meat.....and Jesus WAS God in the flesh.

BUT I will give you this....

One interesting point my friend brought up was that possibly God meant for us to vegetarians pre-the fall of man. In the Garden. Because at that point before satan tempted Eve.....there was NO death. They may have just eaten fruit/veggies before "the fall" because everything was still perfect and nothing died. That was his analysis.

Keep up the good work. I didnt meant to get on yer case about yer comment. When analyzed to the Garden of Eden days, you might be correct. Its just when I hear people talk about vegetarianism, it alot of the time has not much to do with health (yes I know about Daniel fast)....it has to do with peoples personal FEELINGS about animals feelings. And then alot of the time they have other liberal feelings about the Bible. So when I hear that I wonder if they realize that God gave us dominion over the Earth. NOT to ruin the Earth....but to use it resonsibly to our benefit. We are the top of the food chain. We take the more "Ann Coulter"/No Spin Zone route when reading the Bible.

Thanks for the interesting food thought! (pun intended)

Kênia Silva/Garotas Edificadas said...

Dear Hello. Either mto welcome in ours blog. That Jesus using continues you. I hug. In Christ PS: I do not speak very well English


James Lindquist said...

Thanks for the follow Tyrone. Blessings to you and your writing ministry.

Anonymous said...

you have a nice blog :D Thanks for following mine !


Olá Tyrone!
Obrigado por visitar xanadu/poesias.
Parabéns pelo belo trabalho que fazes aqui.

Meg Macedo said...

Quem é vc?



Meg Macedo said...

Quem é vc?



Grace said...

I am happy that I found your blog.
Your blog can be a source of additional biblical commentary for me.
Thanks :)

Prof. Israel Lima said...

É sempre bom estar aqui neste seu espaço!
E agradecer a você por seguir o meu blog.
Peço-lhe encarecidamente a sua visita em meu blog no intuito de merecer o seu voto (em meus selos de participações). Vote e faça um blog que fala de EDUCAÇÃO estar junto dos demais blogs.
Grato pela cooperação,
Prof. Israel Lima

Because of Love said...

Just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I see that you are a new follower of my blog. Glad that you are. I am looking forward to reading your post.

Regina said...

Great blog you have. A blessings. continue writing as the Lord has given you talents..

Thanks for following. I'm a reader of your blog now.

Regina said...

This is great post. A blessings.
continue in doing the Lord's work. you have great talents for God .

And thanks for following. I'm now a reader of your blog.

Rafael said...

I found your blog when I saw your subscription as a Follower in my blog (http://corpoaindainforme.blogspot.com).
Do I know you? I can't remember about you looking only your name.
Well I will see your blog now :)

Hugs and peace of Christ!

Almir Escatambulo said...

ola irmã querida eu tenho um presente para vc visite meu blog http://averdadededeus.blogspot.com/2009/05/premio-melhores-vlogs-da-cistandade.html a paz de deus esteja com vc beijos

Unknown said...

Hi thank you for following, your site is a great source of information, In order to be a good follower of the Lord, we must study his Word.......faithfully>


The Kentucky Con said...

Thanks for the follow. I am looking forward to reading more in your blog. Genesis is an awesome book with so many types and figures. I am currently reading a book called "Gems From Genesis" by W.G. Heslop. It has some of the best commentary of the Bible's foundation I have ever read. Keep up the good work.

George Casanova said...

God bless you. I hope you like my blog and understand portuguese(how can you see my english is not very good). I need you pray for me. May the grace and peace be with you!

Sandra Veneziani said...

Bom dia!!
Seu espaço é uma benção!!
Vim, agradecer sua atenção, carinho e gentileza.
Passe no toque pra pegar uma lembrança que fiz pra voce.
Procure seu nome.
beijos e boa semana .
Que seu dia seja cheio das muitas bençãos e alegrias.

David Franco (David Alberto Franco) said...

Thanks for including me on your blogs section. Congratulations for your blog.


Evelyn Parham said...

Hello! Noticed you stopped following both of my blogs. Is there a problem? Just asking??

You have a very interesting blog, though!

Take care!


Joyfulsister said...

Aloha Tyrone..
It's nice to meet a brother in Christ. Thanks for your visit and keep lifting up the name of Jesus.
I still continue to be amazed of all the Lord has created, his wonderful works and I beleive we are his favorite creations of all

Blessings Lorie

DeeDee said...

wow... I do not think I have ever see 112 comments for anyone...
so how do you do that????
just wondering

Johnny said...

Isn't that so true? We Christians are a work in progress. God knows how many times I have fallen and teetered. It' great to read about your blogging,

God bless

Unknown said...

Thanks for following The Effective Spirit Tyrone. I like you blog as well.

God Bless

Laurie said...

Thank you for your blog and also for visiting and following mine. It looks like you have a lot of depth and insight into the book of Genesis. God bless you and your writings. I will be back to read more:) You sparked a conversation with my husband with your vegan post. Food for thought (pun intended). I also appreciate you reaching out to so many (and it seems some who don't know Him yet).
That is great! God bless!

Anonymous said...

G0d is AWES0ME!!!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Thanks for following my blog. Here's a couple links that may help you learn more about Twitter:

Pr. Silas Figueira said...

Tyrone eu indiquei seu blog para receber o selo "Grandes Pensadores da Blogsfera", com a indicação você já pode colá-lo em sua página. Dê uma olhada em nossa página como você tem que fazer.
Fique na Paz!!!
Pr Silas

Michele Williams said...

Thank you for the follow on my blog. You have a nice blog as well. God bless you.

Eileen Astels Watson said...

Thanks for your visit and follow. I look forward to your snipits on Genesis!

Ted A. Brooks said...

He said I am. I read your site with great interest. May the angels bless you and may your path along life's journey be full of many wonderful experiences.
Angel Blessings

Ilyn said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, and even following it. Your blog is a good one$, it can surely help other people. I hope you don't mind, but are the verses you use from KJV?

God bless in Jesus' name!

Laura J. Davis said...

Thanks for following me! I hope you are blessed. Wonderful blog by the way!

Redação e Vestibulares said...

I found your blog interessante.Parabéns! Why are we really who we are as God wants a hug ...

Ilyn said...

That's good :) I would actually advise you to use KJV if it wasn't, but thanks be to God that you use KJV. People will be more blessed.

BTW, of course I didn't mind, I hope you didn't mind too.

Anonymous said...

Tyrone, thank you for my blog ... i enjoyed your blog, full of tracts which enrich our knowledge ...

Kisses and good week.

Sandra Veneziani said...

Olá... vim te convidar a participar de uma brincadeira saudavel, onde a gente pode conhecer um pouco mais da outra.
Twem um selo no toque pra voce.
Tenha um dia muito feliz e cheinho das bençãos de Deus.

Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

Fala en portugues?

I am from Iowa, with a fascination for all things Brazil. I wondered where you were from??? I studied Portuguese in college, though I don't have much opportunity to practice here in Iowa. :-)

Thank you for being the newest follower on my blog. Obrigado pela visita!



Judy Dudich said...

Thanks for following BENMAKESTEN!
God bless!

Danielle Diez - Maiden of Emmanuel said...

Hey there! I'm Bookie, and I saw that you were followinf my blog and just wanted to say thanks. :)
Your blog is great! I like the way you've set it up, and especially how you're using it for the glory of God. :)

God bless,

La Espada De Dios said...

Rev 1:3 Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words (o. logos) of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Please, visit to:

Khris Cantrell said...

God has truly blessed you with a gift for creating a blog so simple yet so intense! The mystique that surrounds these posts are nothing short of wonderful. I thank you for following my blog and I am very happy to follow yours. May God richly bless you, Tyrone!

La Espada De Dios said...

Thank you for the verses, I modified my blog, check it, please:


Unknown said...

I loved to know that someone is so far, has been interested so I'm posting without pretenção some initial and only a new phase of my life, I try to improve more and now I am with all these people know that not dreamed. How in God is divine and wonderful. That Jesus is in every word, every gesture to his and I are always in tune with Him Abraços fraternal.

Regina Maura Dias Verasto said...

Oi, passei pra desejar um ótimo domingo na paz de Jesus.
Tem um selinho pra você no meu blog, passa lá para buscar.
Beijos no seu coração,fique com Deus.Ha, seu blog é muito abençoado.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I passed for to want a blessed week and to say that offer you a beautiful selo.Fica with God, that He blesses his/her life and their projectos!Amém.

Maria said...

I love that verse! Thank you for such a great website.

Sandra Veneziani said...

olá...vim te oferecer o selo amizade de valor.
tenha uma noite cheia de bençãos.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Very nice to meet you.

Visit my site, you'll like it (You can discover new music there)!

Would be an honor for me if you were the first visitor from yourgreat country there.


Greetings from Germany


"Como eu não tenho o dom de ler pensamentos, eu me preocupo somente
em ser amigo e não saber quem é inimigo.
Pois assim, eu consigo apertar
a mão de quem me odeia
e ajudar a quem não faria por mim o mesmo."



Tyrone tem um selo em meu blog para você. Fique na Paz!
Pr Silas

Brian Ray Todd said...

What a key statement of the Bible "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Sin and evil are foreign to God's Creation. In the beginning there was only "good" and in the end there shall only be "good". God did not create evil. Evil is simply the absence of God's "good". God is "good" all the time! Praise be to God! Brian

Unknown said...

Great Job in the Blogger Awards, However The World Didn't think so, Good Job email Me if you want to Return in 2010 Blogger Awards.

Beth E. said...

I don't keep up with followers of my blog as I should. I just noticed that you have been following my blog! Thanks so much. :-)

Sandra Veneziani said...

Olá...vim, te visitar deixar o meu toque de carinho e amizade e te oferecer o selo vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog.
Tenha um dia m uitoi abençoado

angel said...

Sem dúvida a natureza é o presente mais belo que Deus legou ao homem, mas infelizmente parece que este ignora a sua importância e a destrói como um garoto mimado destrói seu brinquedo novo e depois lamenta por não saber consertá-lo.

regina barnett said...

God is Good...May the Lord Bless you....Keep spreading his word..I also have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.....So good to know there are people like you who are still willing to let your Light shine for him..Amen

Maria José Rezende de Lacerda said...

I`ve noticed you like some pictures of my blog. I will give you some sites where I use to take such pictures. Feel free to copy and use them in your blog. A big hug.
They are:
and images of google.

Maria José Rezende de Lacerda said...

I love your blog. Therefore, I share with you a stamp. I hope you enjoy. Fraternal hugs.

Maria José Rezende de Lacerda said...

Como é boa a amizade que compartilhamos através da nossa rede virtual. Aqui trocamos conhecimento, sentimentos, carinho, idéias, e até selinhos, sem nunca termos nos encontrado pessoalmente.
Este espaço virtual que dividimos é muito importante para mim, porque nos expomos, colocamos situações e trocamos nossas experiências pessoais, sem julgamentos ou condenações. Com que outro meio faríamos isso tão bem? Aqui, ajudamos uns aos outros, e aprendemos muito neste intercâmbio de informações.
Os meus dias são mais brilhantes e os meus pensamentos são muito mais felizes quando entro em seus blogs. Por outro lado, eu me importo com vocês e quero, através de minhas postagens, dar um pouco mais de vida e felicidade a todos vocês.
Sem este mundo virtual eu nunca conseguiria chegar assim tão perto de vocês!
Hoje estou passando por aqui para lhe dar um presente, o selo Mouse de Ouro. Espero que goste, pois ele representa amizade e respeito, entre outras coisas. Passo-lhe com muito carinho. Fique com Deus.

Nelton said...

Um abraço deste blogueiro! Espero sua visita: www.acruzenossa.blogspot.com

Sandra Veneziani said...

Passando pra ver as novidades e saber como voce esta.
Sinto a sua falta no toque. Apareça de vez enquando,ok.

Maria José Rezende de Lacerda said...

Tem um selo “SOMOS TODOS IRMÃOS” no meu blog para você. Este selo representa o amor universal. Vamos participar desta corrente de amor, levando luz a todos os nossos irmãos.

Precious Gems said...

I have just written a blog you might be interested in Take a peek!

Brian Ray Todd said...

I stop and look at this world as He created, then look at the night sky that He put into place & motion, and can not help but praise our Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Francisco Cavada said...

¡Feliz Navidad para ti! Que la paz y el amor inunden tu vida hoy y siempre ;-)

Los mejores deseos para ti y los tuyos.

Un abrazo cariñoso.

Rodolfo S. Costa said...

Grace and Peace!

Covnitkepr1 said...

And we get to enjoy the works of creation He speaks into existance. Isn't He wonderful!!! You have gained a new follower.

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Dr P. Poorluk said...

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